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Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission

June 20, 2016

NASA’s Stennis Space Center, which has been testing rockets for 50 years, has evolved into a sprawling federal city that is home to dozens of government agencies, universities, high-tech industries and small private sector companies that require goods and services on a large scale.  

In 2014, Stennis had an economic impact of $917 million. In addition, almost three-quarters of every dollar is spent within a 50-mile radius of the Hancock County facility.  All of the activity under way at the Space Center presents small business owners with opportunities to do business with Stennis-based operations that range from furniture to systems that will go to Mars.  

For those who have never done business with Stennis’ resident agencies and companies, we have put together basic information on how to get started and compiled resources to help with the process.  Stennis Space Center’s agencies and organizations are eager to share information on their procurement opportunities and processes. 

They are looking forward to working with new vendors in Hancock County and the surrounding areas.

Visit the following articles for information on how to do business with Stennis!


About Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission  

As the county economic development authority, the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission is committed to fostering business investment and job creation. Their focus lies in attracting manufacturing, defense, aviation, and aerospace-related projects to the county. The organization manages the Stennis International Airport and Port Bienville Industrial Park while also providing support to the Stennis Space Center, NASA’s leading facility for rocket engine testing.  

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