August 1, 2014
Stennis International Airport recently served as the international transportation hub for a Russian cargo plane delivering one RollsRoyce jet engine from Europe and exporting a second engine back to Europe. RollsRoyce North America tests the engines at its Outdoor Jet Engine Test Facility at NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County. The site conducts jet engine testing including noise, crosswind and endurance checks on the latest and most sophisticated RollsRoyce civil aircraft engines, including the Trent 1000 that powers the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Trent XWB that powers the Airbus A350 XWB. The company opened its second outdoor jet engine test stand, representing an investment of $50 million, last year.
The Russian plane transporting the engines landed at Stennis July 13 and departed the next day. The An124 is the world's highest gross weight production cargo airplane and second heaviest operating cargo aircraft, behind the Antonov AN225, a larger aircraft based on the An124's design. The An124 is operated by VolgaDnepr and Antonov Airlines. "Hosting the An124, one of the largest and heaviest planes in the world, is illustrative of the incredible airport infrastructure we have in Hancock County," said Port and Harbor Executive Director Ashley Edwards. "We want to let aviation industries know that Stennis International Airport can handle literally anything that flies." The Stennis Airport staff coordinates with both RollsRoyce and airline personnel to assure that the engine transfer from the plane to the overtheroad transport is efficient. The preparation takes several hours: specialized trucks arrive, cranes are erected and offloading ramps are constructed. While the work is going on, international aircrew members are taken to local hotels and occasionally shopping, creating even more economic impact in the county. Based on the weight of cargo, up to 24,000 gallons or 163,200 pounds of jet fuel is uploaded. Over the past few years, incoming Russlan flights have originated in Shannon, Ireland, and Edmonton, Great Britain.
Airport Director Bill Cotter said that most operations are only on the ground for 24 to 48 hours. "In the past, infrastructure was built to industry, now industry is looking for the infrastructure and moving to it," he said. "Hancock County, Mississippi provides all modes of modern day transportation attracting industry such as Rolls Royce North America."
About Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission
As the county economic development authority, the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission is committed to fostering business investment and job creation. Their focus lies in attracting manufacturing, defense, aviation, and aerospace-related projects to the county. The organization manages the Stennis International Airport and Port Bienville Industrial Park while also providing support to the Stennis Space Center, NASA’s leading facility for rocket engine testing.