October 16, 2017

HANCOCK COUNTY, MS – Two companies at Port Bienville Industrial Park are making major investments in their facilities and increasing employment at the park.
Goodnight Terminal Services Inc. recently moved its main warehouse facility from Florida to Port Bienville with an estimated total investment of $200,000.
Goodnight, which has 20 employees, breaks down bulk material and re-packages it into smaller containers to be shipped by truck to customers throughout the United States and internationally. The company relocated to Hancock County because of its prime location and other logistical assets, Goodnight officials said.
Longtime Port Bienville tenant SNF Polychemie is investing $5 million in new facilities to produce Flosperse, a liquid solution used to inhibit scaling in water pipes. The expansion will add 10 jobs, increasing total employment at the 17-year-old plant to 74.
Flosperse is marketed internationally to the desalination industry for use in the production of distilled water from sea water; water treatment plants to prevent scale deposits in boilers; and oil production industries to keep scale from accumulating in pipes.
The company is adding two synthesis reactors, a tank farm and ancillary vessels for additives preparation and scrubbers. “The new unit will add approximately 10 jobs and increase the number of employees on site by about 13 percent,” said Jim Bishop, the plant manager. In addition, he said, the project will bring opportunities to the local community and surrounding vicinity in construction, asset procurement, raw material acquisition and transportation. The targeted completion date of the project is early 2018.
SNF Polychemie is the world's leading manufacturer of water-soluble polymers. It is owned by Rene Pich, who started the venture more than 25 years ago with two friends in his garage in France. The company has 10 locations in the U.S. and eight others around the world. Its 5,000 employees make more than 1,000 products used in various industries as well as everyday products such as cosmetics, food and beverages.
“Port Bienville Industrial Park’s assets serve a strategic advantage for our customers needing multimodal access across rail, water, and roadways. Our railroad team is well-organized to handle inbound and outbound traffic to best serve our industries,” said Bill Cork, chief executive officer of the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission. The industrial park’s short-line rail connects to CSX, which offers access to virtually the entire Eastern U.S., while heavy-haul trucking roads move goods to multiple connections including I-10, I-12, I-59 and U.S. Highways 49 and 90 for nationwide coverage.
The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission was established in 1963 to lead the county’s economic development activities. Stennis International Airport and Port Bienville Industrial Park are home to 30 companies with more than 1,000 employees. For more information visit www.portairspace.com.