June 5, 2018
HANCOCK COUNTY, Mississippi — The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission has earned the Distinguished Budget Presentation award, presented by the Government Finance Officers Association.
The award is a “significant achievement,” according to a news release from GFOA, a professional association representing more than 19,000 appointed and elected local, state and provincial government officials and others in North America. “It reflects the commitment to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.”
The Certificate of Recognition honors HCPHC Chief Financial Officer Janet Sacks, CPA, as “being primarily responsible for having achieved the award,” according to GFOA.
In accepting the award, Sacks acknowledged the endeavors of many at HCPHC: “I’m proud to represent such a well-structured group whose focus drives our ongoing pursuit toward transparency and success in every division of HCPHC.”
The Port and Harbor Commission’s CEO, Bill Cork, said: “Janet’s commitment to the highest principles of governmental budgeting served as the basis for HCPHC’s award-winning presentation. Her forward-thinking efforts set an excellent example for other government entities to emulate.” Cork noted HCPHC is Mississippi’s first GFOA member in four years to have earned the award.
About HCPHCAs the economic development authority for Hancock County, Mississippi, the Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission owns and operates Port Bienville Industrial Park and Stennis International Airport — in addition to fostering business investment for John C. Stennis Space Center, NASA’s premier rocket testing facility. For more information visit www.portairspace.com.
PHOTO CAPTION: Chief Financial Officer Janet Sacks, center, accepts the GFOA Certificate of Recognition for Distinguished Budget Presentation Award at the May 29, 2018, meeting of the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission Administrative Center located in Kiln, Mississippi. Presenters are CEO Bill Cork (left) and Commission President Robert Kane (right).