March 15, 2018
Stennis International Airport – KHSA in Bay St Louis, MS will begin our FAA project to mill and overlay Runway 18/36 in the next few weeks. The staff and engineers at KHSA believe we have developed a construction schedule that will have a minimum impact on all user groups at the airport.
Most construction is scheduled at night between the hours of 2000 to 0600, to limit the impact on your training and flights. The runway will be open for daytime VHF operations daily. There will be three weekend closures for the painting of the runway markings since we feel these are critical phases.
The project is set to start with the ILS being turned off by the FAA and Phase 1B beginning during nights the week of March 19 with the obscuring precision markings.
Phase 2 of the Runway 18/36 rehab will start the night of March 26 for the week ending May 4. The timelines are subject to change, but airport operations will keep everyone notified by email and NOTAMs. I have enclosed the contractor’s construction schedule and a map of the construction area.
During Phase 1B, 2, 3, 5, 6, & 8, the airfield will close at 2000 and will reopen at 0600 the next morning. This will allow any nighttime departures for flights out of KHSA prior to closure. Prior to the reopening, all movement areas will be inspected by our engineering construction observation team with final opening approval by airport operations.
We are confident in our engineering team’s ability in maintaining our airfield’s FAA Part 139 standards, since they have just completed a similar project at GPT. The first weekend closure, Phase 4, is scheduled for the weekend of May 25-May 28 for the reestablishment of the ILS markings. After this takes place, the FAA will establish our ILS back to operational standards and turn it on. The tentative second weekend closure, Phase 7a, is June 18 – July 5 for initial final markings, and the third closure for final paint on the weekend TBD. All weekend closures are weather permitting, and these dates are subject to change based on the project’s progress.
As stated before, we feel we have developed a schedule to minimize any impact to your flying while conducting the maintenance and repairs needed to our airfield. Please forward this email and attachments to any other users I may have missed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Stennis International Airport at 228.467.7070. We look forward to supporting you in your training and flights, and please review your NOTAMs during this time.
About Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission
As the county economic development authority, the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission is committed to fostering business investment and job creation. Their focus lies in attracting manufacturing, defense, aviation, and aerospace-related projects to the county. The organization manages the Stennis International Airport and Port Bienville Industrial Park while also providing support to the Stennis Space Center, NASA’s leading facility for rocket engine testing.