May 15, 2017

KILN, MS – Hancock County to receive $9,000,121.50 Katrina Community Development Block Grant to restore dock.
The requested funds will repair, restore, and expand the primary dock facility at Port Bienville Industrial Park. Damages caused by Hurricane Katrina resulted in the tenant operator, Linea Peninsular, Inc. ran by Captain David Humphreys, vacating the premises and relocating out of state. Without restoration funds immediately available and the loss of the primary tenant, the dock has not been repaired.
The grant funds will be used to rebuild and renovate existing dock facilities, including the sheet piling retaining walls, bulkhead caps, and concrete decking will be removed and replaced. During reconstruction, an additional 300’ of new bulkhead with 50’ concrete apron will be constructed. Restoration and expansion will allow marketing of a safe and reliable dock facility to re-establish lost jobs. The entire process from grant award to completed construction is estimated to take 16 months.
The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission was established in 1963 to lead the county’s economic development activities. Stennis International Airport and Port Bienville Industrial Park are home to more than 30 companies with 1,000 employees. For more information visit