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Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission

August 17, 2020

Hancock County, MS (August 17, 2020) – The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission has accepted the resignation of Bill Cork, CEO.

“Today the Commission and I have mixed feelings about this decision”, said Robert Kane, President of the Commission.  “Bill Cork was an outstanding leader and took the Commission to new heights, securing significant new investment and landing many new corporate selections and local expansions.  Along with the Commissioners, Bill and the team he coached created an environment that attracted hundreds of new high paying jobs and expanded our industrial tax base. We know his future is bright and he will continue to be an asset to Hancock County and our state going forward.  We wish him all the best.”

“Hancock County has an amazing array of assets and lots of wonderful talent, but, the friendships Nina and I have made and the success we’ve enjoyed here are both a personal and career highlight”, said Bill Cork.  “While the next opportunity wasn’t foreseen, it is certainly one you don’t say ‘no’ to.  We will take a couple of weeks to rest and regroup, and the next role will be announced soon.  I want to thank the Commissioners, Supervisors, tenants, customers and vendors and the citizens of Hancock County for the opportunity to work with you, to serve you and for the wonderful experience at Port and Harbor.  Bay St. Louis will continue to be our home base, so we will see you all around town.”

Mr. William Cotter, Jr., who serves as the Chief Operating Officer, was named Interim CEO, and will stay on board until a national search is conducted to fill the role.  Today the Commission also passed a resolution to contract with Strategic Government Resources, a Texas-based executive recruiting firm specializing in government agencies, to conduct the search.  The estimated time to place a candidate will be approximately three months.

“The budget for 2021 is nearing completion, the plans are in place and the team is in place to continue to execute the mission and win for Hancock County”, said Bill Cotter.  “The organization is in a great position to continue to succeed and I appreciate the opportunity to step in until Bill’s replacement is recruited.”



The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission was established in 1963 to lead the county’s economic development activities. Stennis International Airport and Port Bienville Industrial Park are home to 30 companies with more than 1,000 employees. For more information visit

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